"Chef Fadi Kattan, who runs the Hosh al-Syrian guesthouse and Fawda Cafe in Bethlehem, fondly remembers how his mother cooked Akoub: fried, with lemon juice and tahini. "
"we have come to Bethlehem to create a dinner, a one-off collaboration between the French-Palestinian chef Fadi Kattan, known for his modern take on traditional cuisine, and British chef and writer Tom Hunt"
"Le chef franco-palestinien de 39 ans, bouillant et passionné, s’acharne avec succès à revisiter la tradition culinaire et les produits du terroir de Cisjordanie."
"À Bethléem, capitale de Noël, le chef au parcours iconoclaste réinvente la cuisine palestinienne, cite de grands auteurs, parle fruits mauriciens ou politique."
"Palestinian cuisine is getting quite a makeover in one Bethlehem restaurant, where chefs use scalpels and blowtorches to create a modern twist on traditional dishes.
"“There is a perpetual tendency to limit Palestinian cuisine to the traditional,” Kattan says, clearly frustrated at the restrictions of his nation's cooking.”